

Our desire is to provide opportunities for the people of Church at the Creek to serve our community in a variety of ways.  Our partners offer services to the people of Collin County, the greater DFW area, and around the nation.  Take a look at each of these organizations and see where you can get involved!

CHF delivers help and hope to children who are hungry and living in poverty through providing food that is delivered directly to their homes by local churches.

Do you know a family in need of food assistance in Collin or Denton County? By completing the form below, they can receive food box based on the number of children under the age of 18 in their home.

Once the form is completed you will be contacted by our volunteer team.

Boxes are delivered by Church at the Creek volunteers.

Embrace proudly serves foster and adoptive families licensed with any child-placing agency, at-risk children and their caregivers, kinship care providers, and foster care alumni.

Shiloh Place is a ministry that comes alongside and deeply invests in each individual, providing them with the education and skills needed to end the cycle of poverty for their family for generations to come.





Real Options exists to empower women, men, and young people to make physical, emotional, and spiritual choices that affirm life and health.


We are ordinary people, empowered by God, making a difference together wherever are called to go.
Christ has called us to go to the uttermost parts of the earth with the message of His love. By using our time, talents and treasures each of us can make an eternal difference!

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:26-39