Name Change
Q: Why are we changing our name?
A: Last year when we were launching our Rock Hill Campus, an existing church in NW McKinney that has essentially the same name (LifePointe) reached out to us and asked if we would consider changing our church name to avoid confusion.
Their request was brought to our Board last year, and we decided to stick with the name LifePoint since we were in the town of Frisco and they were in the town of McKinney.
Meanwhile, over the last year, we had at least five families go to LifePointe McKinney when they were looking for our church. So, there has been some confusion.
Earlier this year, when God provided the miraculous location we now own in NW McKinney, we knew our church name would be an issue we needed to revisit since now we would be in the same part of the same town as the other LifePointe.
After several months of prayerful consideration, here’s what our church leadership (pastors and our Board) decided: Now that we are arriving in the same part of town where another church already has the same name, we believe changing our church name is the most loving thing to do. It allows us to live at peace with fellow believers at Lifepointe McKinney, helps avoid confusion since we will now be neighbors, and, since we believe God is in charge, we trust this is a fresh start he has planned for our church.
Q: Why now?
A: Financially wise. With the relocation to McKinney, we will spend funds on signage, printing, and advertising. To change all of this shortly after we move into the new location would double the cost.
Why Church at the Creek?
A: We used three filters for choosing this new name:
VISION. We believe “Church at the Creek” is more inviting to people who are not churchgoers because it removes any possible barriers while still being clear that we are a church.
AUTHENTIC. While acquiring the property, the staff would often refer to our 3 campuses as “Plano Campus,” “Rock Hill Campus,” and “Church at the Creek.” It started to stick. With a creek going through the middle of the property, the name promotes our church as a place for respite, peace, and hope.
UNIQUE. There are no churches with “Creek” in the name in Celina or McKinney. Prosper has Rock Creek Church which is 11 miles away. We reached out to the pastor at Rock Creek Church and told him that our Board was prayerfully considering this new name and asked if he was ok with it. His response was, “Are you going to be sharing Jesus? Then let’s do it together.”
Q: When does this take effect?
A: Official change will take place on August 11.
New name roll out (physically) will be August 18.
You will notice some things will take a little while to change over, but will happen ASAP.
Q: Why not go back to our original name of Grace?
A: Some of you may not know, but our original name was Grace Community.
Grace Community Church (1989-2011)
LifePoint Church (2011-present)
While grace is exactly what we offer, it is less unique as a church name (the reason we moved away from the name in 2011) and could be a hurdle to those who are seeking belonging.
Q: What’s not changing?
A: Our vision. Where anyone can belong before they believe. Like Jesus, we want to make a seat at the table for anyone.
A: If you have any questions, please email Pastor Dennis at